The hospital coordinator: broker, negiotiator, educator, pedagogue, administrator…

In the series of blogs on who is running the hospital, so far I have talked about nurses , surgeons and anesthesiologists. They all have coordinative tasks. Besides these agents, there are three people in the hospital with perhaps the most important position of all.  Let’s call them John, Anne and Nikky. It does not feel …

The hospital coordinator: broker, negiotiator, educator, pedagogue, administrator… Lees verder »

Regarding the hospital as factory

One of the fun things about doing observations in a hospital is that you see lots of unexpected things. When observing surgeries or patient consultations in the outpatient department I was introduced to doctors and nurses. After been told what my background was (systems engineer/consultant) some asked whether I was going to investigate how efficient …

Regarding the hospital as factory Lees verder »

Surgeons: the hospital’s nomads

Surgeons lead nomadic lives in hospitals. Nomads have no fixed habitation and regularly move to and from the same areas (special thanks to Wikipedia for this non scientific definition, but for this purpose it will do). Surgeons travel between places that are run by nurses, in order to service their patients. Interestingly this type of nomadic life …

Surgeons: the hospital’s nomads Lees verder »

Centralization without hierarchy: a ground for organizational firework?

Happy new year! These fireworks are in fact nine social networks for nine tasks that are performed in order to do surgeries for patients. The entire network in my previous blog is built up from 23 social networks, one for each task. Tasks are for example: making the master schedule for the operating theatre (OT), …

Centralization without hierarchy: a ground for organizational firework? Lees verder »