Month: november 2017

What do we get from literature on hospital logistics

After some trial and error excercise in literature research I established a fruitful search strategy. My search strategy consisted of three separate searches in three different databases, PubMed, EBSCOhost and JSTOR. I searched on: Hospital AND Logistics Hospital AND Flow AND Process Hospital AND Supply Chain Management Hospital AND Operations Management I limited my search …

What do we get from literature on hospital logistics Lees verder »

Logistics in hospitals: what is it about?

With the main question being what role logistics plays in hospital strategy I started literature research in 2016. A more specific question for this research was which logistical parameters were mentioned in relation to hospitals. We (by ‘we’ I mean the PhD team with three (assistant) professors and me, see ‘About me’) took parameters as …

Logistics in hospitals: what is it about? Lees verder »