The journey, not the destination

Since I graduated in 1999 I have wondered why it is so hard for hospitals to be well organized and efficient organizations. Having developed and used my ideas and problem solving approach as a consultant I feel I have constructed bits and pieces, but I never felt I completely solved the puzzle. It is fascinating as well as frustrating that changes in hospitals come slowly, while medical technology and knowledge seems to have developed pretty fast. And while the ever increasing health care costs are a great concern, investing in overflowing hospital facilities and systems seems to be widely accepted.

I started my PhD research as a quest, a journey into the unknown to a far away destination. I am carrying a backpack full of ideas, experiences and assumptions. Some of the stuff in my bag pack I have thrown away, some of it is more needed than I expected. Back home and on my way I meet interesting people on this journey, who tell me things or ask what I have seen so far. In this blog, I will write down what I have found to provide anyone interested access to the research findings. Get in touch if you have any remarks or questions. For me this blog is a new experience so I would welcome any feedback. Hope to meet you on my travels!


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