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Hospital IT systems are replaced by intelligent agents called secretaries

Yesterday I spent the entire day observing three outpatient departments in ‘my’ case study hospital. I talked to the Orthopaedics, Surgery and Gynaecology outpatient departments and watched how surgeries are planned and organized. The night before I prepared the visit by looking at the facts and figures – the production data of 5 years, from …

Hospital IT systems are replaced by intelligent agents called secretaries Lees verder »

Variation in Operating Room production; predictable or not?

If the demand for products or services are stable, then logistics is easy. In any household for example there are repetitive rythms, determined by meal times and working days. Meal times determine the moment that food supplies need to be in the house and working days could determine when there is time to buy these. …

Variation in Operating Room production; predictable or not? Lees verder »

Hospital strategy and logistics: separate worlds?

Besides looking at logistical parameters I also did a scoping review on hospital strategy and logistics. I was wondering to what extent logistical parameters play a role in making hospital strategies. From personal work experience I did not expect a strong link between hospital strategy and logistics, given the observations I mentioned earlier. But, I …

Hospital strategy and logistics: separate worlds? Lees verder »

What do we get from literature on hospital logistics

After some trial and error excercise in literature research I established a fruitful search strategy. My search strategy consisted of three separate searches in three different databases, PubMed, EBSCOhost and JSTOR. I searched on: Hospital AND Logistics Hospital AND Flow AND Process Hospital AND Supply Chain Management Hospital AND Operations Management I limited my search …

What do we get from literature on hospital logistics Lees verder »

Logistics in hospitals: what is it about?

With the main question being what role logistics plays in hospital strategy I started literature research in 2016. A more specific question for this research was which logistical parameters were mentioned in relation to hospitals. We (by ‘we’ I mean the PhD team with three (assistant) professors and me, see ‘About me’) took parameters as …

Logistics in hospitals: what is it about? Lees verder »

Hospital as logistical system: too big too detail?

In 2006 I started to model the entire logistical hospital system to assess the design of a new hospital building. With this model it was possible to analyze for example walking distances, occupation of space, elevators, hallways and crossing of clean and infectious patients or goods. The typical hospital has many nodes – 111 in …

Hospital as logistical system: too big too detail? Lees verder »